Tuesday, September 18, 2012

DEBIT the Value Received and CREDIT the Value Parted With

Remember, that in accrual model of accounting, there's the debit and credit sides in a business transaction or events.  It is crucial that in recording we know what and when to debit or to credit the items or values in business transactions or events.

Following are the rules for recording journal entries (which are alternatively known as debit and credit rules) :

Rule 1
When the value received is a thing of value, an asset is increased.
Therefore, debit the asset account title of that thing of value with the amount of increase.

Rule 2
When the value parted with is a thing of value, an asset is decreased.
Therefore, credit the asset account title of that thing of value with the amount of decrease.

Rule 3
When the value received is an oral promise to pay from a debtor, an asset is increased.
Therefore, debit the debtor's account / asset account title with the amount of increase.

Rule 4
When the value parted with is the cancellation of debtor's promise to pay, an asset is decreased.
Therefore, credit the debtor's account / asset account title with the amount of decrease.

Rule 5
When the value parted with is an oral promise to pay a creditor, a liability is increased.
Therefore, credit the creditor's account / liability account title with the amount of increase.

Rule 6
When the value received is the cancellation of oral promise to pay a creditor, a liability is decreased.
Therefore, debit the creditor's account / liability account title with the amount of decrease.

Rule 7
When the value parted with is the implied promise to safeguard the owner's interest, the capital or proprietorship account is increased.
Therefore, debit the capital / proprietorship account with the amount of increase

Rule 8
When the value received is the implied reduction of responsibility to safeguard the owner's interest, the capital / proprietorship account is decreased.
Therefore, debit the capital / proprietorship account with the amount of decrease.

Rule 9
When the value parted with is the use, or hire, of (our) property or services, the capital / proprietorship account is increased.
Therefore, credit the income account title with the amount of increase.
Note that income and expenses are implicit components of an equity account. That the net income or loss forms part of equity and to get the net income or loss, deduct expenses from revenue or income.

Rule 10
When the value received is the use, or hire, of others property or services, the capital / proprietorship account is decreased.
Therefore, debit the expense account title with the amount of decrease.
Note that income and expenses are implicit components of an equity account. That the net income or loss forms part of equity and to get the net income or loss, deduct expenses from revenue or income.

Always remember:
 Basic guiding principle in recording JEs : 

DEBIT the Value Received and 
CREDIT the Value Parted With

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